[geeks] latest system monitoring for Solaris 10 x86

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Fri Mar 20 17:14:10 CDT 2009

[this is off-list]

> Yeah, well it did come across like a smartass, and I thought it was
> pretty obvious I was just going over steps I took.
> No offense taken and none intended on my part.

Glad to hear it.

I think I may be losing my patience with a lot of email
lists/forums/internet articles lately... the posts on the geeks list
recently where people were spreading misinformation about decompressing
self-extracting .exe ZIP files on non-Windows systems was frustrating
because people were posting things as facts that they hadn't tried to
verify on their own.  Likewise, I've been dealing with a lot of
mis-information lately in articles on tomshardware and Gamasutra on x86-64
and it's not always easy to get people's facts straightened out because so
much mis-information has been repeated over and over already... heck the
Gamasutra piece was written by Chuck Walbourn, a software design engineer
at Microsoft, and he couldn't even get all his facts straight about

I probably need to take a break from the internet.

- Nate

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