[geeks] Impressive...

der Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sun Mar 8 20:13:55 CDT 2009

>> What's the latest chatter on the Seagate firmware debacle?  Has it
>> settled out?
> From what I can tell things seem to have settled down a bit, although
> it's perhaps too soon to tell.

Interesting timing.  Late Saturday evening, $DAYJOB has _another_ 931G
Seagate fail in service.  This makes the..um..seventh, I think, out of
an order of 13.  (Four failed and were RMAed.  A fifth also failed
later, and one of the four replacements failed.  Then this latest one
makes #7.  Unless I've misrememebred.)

However, these are, as I understand it, just crap drives, not "the
firmware issue" (which as it was described to me causes the drive to go
completely catatonic, whereas these drives just show hard errors).

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