[geeks] Needed: A good sparc workstation

der Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sun Mar 8 01:37:06 CST 2009

>> What is a good Sparc-powered workstation?

Assuming you are using "powered" a la its current misuse (meaning,
approximately, "supported") well, it depends on what you want it to do.
I am very partial to the IPX and Classic for uses with minimal graphics
requirements, the LX for cases (like my work desktop and my machine at
my gf's) where 8bpp is enough but >1152x900 is "necessary" (in my case,
flatpanel displays too stupid to letterbox), and the SS20 with a VSIMM
for cases where 24bpp colour is called for.

Anything that needs more beef that that I don't usually use a SPARC
for.  I also don't normally conflate such a crunch engine with a
human-interface machine (which is what "workstation" usually amounts to
in practice).

> SPARC desktops have small memory capacities, based on current
> standards.

...which says more about current standards than it does about SPARC
desktops.  They still do everything they ever did, after all.

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