[geeks] caffeine - differences based on source

Jon Gilbert jjj at io.com
Tue Nov 11 14:34:55 CST 2008

On Nov 7, 2008, at 5:53 AM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> Seems when I drink tea, the caffeine stays in the system longer and  
> the
> effects are distributed over a longer length of time, than when I  
> drink
> a soft drink that has caffeine.
> Does that make any sense to anyone?

Sure it does. My guess would be that, just in the same way that  
certain pharmaceuticals come in "extended release" forms, in which  
some of the drug molecules are coated with a substance that makes them  
harder to digest, so also in teas would some of the caffeine molecules  
be contained within plant matter that would cause them to metabolize  
more slowly. In this way, teas (and probably coffees as well),  
especially when cold-brewed, yield a smoother, steadier provision of  
caffeine to the bloodstream through the digestive walls.

Plus, as others have mentioned here, the fact that teas usually  
contain other stimulants as well would further add to the long- 
lasting, smoother effect that they have.

Jon Gilbert
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