[geeks] Appropriate Ayn Rand comment for the election...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 17:06:35 CST 2008

On Nov 5, 2008, at 12:41 AM, Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick at zill.net>  

> "Brother, you asked for it!"
> --Francisco D'Anconia
> The looters have won this round...
> --Patrick

I would have expected a bigger margin in the results, given the money  
involved (one raised over $700 Million directly, the other raised  
about one third as much, including public funds), but then again, the  
last time someone got north of 62 Million votes was in the 2004  

But when that fellow won it wasn't considered a "landslide" or a  
"mandate" - my how times have changed the threshold for those two  


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