[geeks] healthcare was: nVidia 8800GT for Apple Mac Pro

Dr Robert Pasken rpasken at eas.slu.edu
Sat May 24 17:26:43 CDT 2008

My own experiences with both the Canadian and US seem to be directly 
opposite. My Canadian uncle recieved far more timely, less costly, and 
compassionate care than did my mother. When we traveled from Thunder Bay 
to Toronto for a second opinion, all of his medical records were in 
Toronto before we were able to fly from Thunder Bay to Toronto (decision 
to fly to arrival was under 24 hours) and the doctor had already examined 
his records and had intelligent questions to ask us about possible 
treatment options. On the other hand my brother, father, mother and I 
fought for three months merely to get to see a doctor. The doctors 
response was too bad so sad you should have come to see me 6 months ago. 
The US systems is a bad joke. The only interest on the part of the 
insurance companies is to  increase rates while removing access to doctors 
and care, while at the same time paying providers with less and less. It 
is no wonder why the two insurances companies my employer had are able to 
pay mid-level execs $450,000 a year and have granite and marble imported 
from Brazil and Italy for the employee swimming pools.

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