[geeks] Taxes

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Fri May 23 19:13:01 CDT 2008

>From: Sandwich Maker <adh at an.bradford.ma.us>
>Date: 2008/05/23 Fri PM 05:23:24 EDT
>To: geeks at sunhelp.org
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Taxes

>" From: "Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net>
>" Imagine if, instead of one of the world's largest standing armies with
>" bases in every corner of the globe (the sun never sets on America's
>" military empire?), the US had locally-organized militias who received
>" standardized training (and group buying power for munitions) from the
>" Department of Defense.  Without being involved in everyone's business
>" outside our borders (making long-term enemies and allies solely for the
>" duration that we offer protection), we wouldn't have to pay the
>" admittedly meager salaries of however many enlisted soldiers we have.
>" We'd have people truly interested in protecting their -homes- and
>" -communities- and ready to organize in the event that an immediate need
>" for an active national defense developed.
>the problem with that, from the powermongers viewpoint, is that they
>wouldn't be under our direct control and wouldn't necessarily do what
>we asked [ordered] them to.  they might even oppose us!

Sounds a *lot* like the United Nations to me - I eagerly await the fianl report on racisim in America... I can't imagine what they'll find.

I suspect the report will be released/leaked just in time for a few undecided voters to decide to right several hundred years of injustice by voting for the poor Harvard graduate from Illinois.

I hear is is still struggling to pay off his student loans from college (it's tough to get by on his low income[0] - being racially oppressed and all, suffering with a sub-standard education, and being raised by a white racist).


[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama#Personal_life

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