[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Sat Mar 29 13:09:59 CDT 2008

" From: Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com>
" Sandwich Maker wrote:
" > " Isn't DD-1 #2?  The 1812 ship was before registry numbers, no?
" > 
" > the 1812 ship was the constitution; commanded by him, not named for
" > him.  you're right that it was before numbers; dd1 was iirc early 20th
" > c.  i now wonder why they waited so long.
" I just looked it up.  The first Bainbridge was 1842.  The second was 
" indeed DD-1.

oops.  shows you what i know about my own family...
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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