[geeks] EVE: the new addition...

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 18:01:52 CDT 2008

On 17 Jun 2008, at 23:05, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> However, I did target someone in empire space for stealing my  
> wrecks.  It's a legal kill.

True enough, I've done it before but I lost a Caracal as a result. I  
figure it's just better to let them at it. Wrecks in Empire aren't  
worth the hassle and wrecks in Low Sec attract very big flies :P

> However, he had the good sense to become needed elsewhere.  My  
> character is only a week old, but what I have is well optimized and  
> he was well scorched when he vacated.

Glad to hear it.

> Sometimes I've watched a macro miner strip mining a field, and I  
> think that since I'm holding down the NPC pirate population, I'm  
> really doing them a service, and so I occasionally extract a small  
> fee from there containers.

Macros deserve everything they get. Have at them. They remove valuable  
mineral resources from real miners like myself and deplete belts so  
they are not rich enough ti mine for 2-3 days.

> Well, I'm not a care bear, I'm more of a rogue.
> I went ratting in 0.4 on day three in a Breacher.
> I lost the ship to a real pirate, but not until I had made around 1  
> million ISK, a good part of it stolen from said pirate.
> The ship cost me 50K, so it was a worthwhile enterprise.
> You can be generous and still be a rogue though.
> I will fight for the militia and I've helped other newbies take down  
> NPC pirates.

Gentleman Scoundrel. I like it :)

> I would like to see ship customization myself.

That's tentatively slated in for later I think, after Ambulation. I  
don't much care about personalising a ship, it's just a hunk of  
Tritanium at the end of the day, and at the rate I lose combat ships  
in EVE it'd be fruitless ;)

> I would also like to see more of the busy work automated.
> For example, why can't you hire NCP couriers to ferry cargo between  
> stations?
> If you run missions and store loot in multiple locations, it can  
> take a lot of real time to organize it all.

Contract it out, there's plenty of folks with haulers and freighters  
who run courier missions. The point of EVE is everything is done by  
humans where possible. It doesn't matter how bad the job is there's a  
surprising number of folk who actually do it!

> I would also like to see improvements in the UI to make  
> configuration of your radar system easier, and being able to save  
> your configuration so you can reload it as a backup or move it to  
> another machine would be great.

The backup your profile thing would be a HUGE bonus, I play on OS X  
and Windows and I'm constantly missing stuff like Overview profiles  
(of which I have a dozen just for asteroid types).

> Another big one is a decent combat camera.  The current system is  
> not real good.
> They also need a "next target" button so you can just lock onto the  
> next available target.

The combat is a bit clunky, I must admit. It's something I have always  
struggled with to keep up and keep firing meaningfully at targets,  
because the weapons and targets are always 1-offs. If you could target  
queue weapons on target a->b->c->d then it'd be a lot easier.

Mark Benson

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