[geeks] SQL Performance

Alois Hammer aloishammer at casearmour.net
Mon Jul 21 14:47:21 CDT 2008

It depends a lot on your tuning.

Using MySQL as an example, if you're using the innodb storage engine
(row locking), your many-small-transactions performance shoots up, at
the cost of CPU.  If you're using myisam, you're limited to
whole-table-locking. and you hope you're conducting larger transactions
(and may need to boost your number of concurrent connections to handle
all the blocked requests).

And, as with all workload planning, you want to test and play and see
for yourself how any given database with any given parameters performs
against your proposed workload.

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 15:13:51 -0400, "Sridhar Ayengar"
<ploopster at gmail.com> said:
> Does anyone know of any papers or web pages containing performance 
> comparisons between accessing data with many small SQL queries versus 
> accessing the same data with larger aggregate queries?
> I would expect the smaller number of large queries to perform better, 
> but I have no frame of reference for being able to estimate how much of 
> a difference it would make.
> Thanks.
> Peace...  Sridhar
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