[geeks] Integrated video and large displays

John Lee j.benlin.lee at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 23:00:42 CST 2008

Hee. It's actually my old Powerbook G4 that is the best laptop I've
ever had. I'd actually go so far as to say it's been the best machine
I've ever had.

Coming from that 15" Powerbook, the Macbook feels downright dainty. I
think it even feels smaller than the iBook Dual USB I had a long time
ago. Go figure.

- John

On 2/14/08, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
>  Mine is also the best laptop I've ever had - 2Ghz, 2G RAM, Core Duo.  I
>  wish they had a 12.1" version though; my iBook G4 was the *perfect* form
>  factor.  The MacBook is close, but just a smidgen too big for my tastes.
>  Bill

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