[geeks] Ya-HoooooO!

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Fri Feb 1 15:45:57 CST 2008

Mike Meredith wrote:
> The Wii is interesting in that it seems to appeal to people who
> wouldn't ordinarily consider a games console. 
The big win that the Wii has is how incredibly intuitive they controls 
are.  My entire family played Wii when i brought it to my parents' house 
on Christmas, including my sister and parents who have never had much 
interest in video games at all.  Everyone loved Wii tennis, bowling, and 
boxing and had a lot of fun playing it.  We didn't play any of the other 
games because they aren't as much fun for multiplayer play, and they 
aren't as easy to learn for someone who isn't familiar with typical 
video game concepts.  Wii sports is wonderfully easy to learn how to 
play, and many hours of fun.

    -Dan Sikorski

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