[geeks] javascript tutorial sought?

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 10:39:09 CDT 2008

der Mouse wrote:
> I basically want to turn the web browser into a (very specialized)
> "termnial emulator" designed to support card games rather than text
> "console" applications.  Perhaps JavaScript is a wrong approach?

If I were doing something like that, I'd write a Java applet.  It would 
require more horsepower than the Javascript method, as well as having a 
Java plugin installed in the browser, but it would also allow you to 
open arbitrary network connections to wherever you want.  Of course, 
unsigned applets are only allowed to connect to the server from which 
they were loaded (but can connect with any protocol), but signed applets 
can connect anywhere at all.

Peace...  Sridhar

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