[geeks] Solaris: zfs does not allow copies option

Jonathan Groll lists at groll.co.za
Mon Apr 7 02:19:55 CDT 2008

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 11:39:20PM -0400, Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> >As far as I know it was only introduced with B61, perhaps you are
> >running with ZS derived from an earlier version?
> I don't have any idea what B61, but I assume it is an OpenSolaris  
> release like Nevada or Indiana.

That's right Opensolaris Nevada build 61 (currently at build 85)
> I'm running the last GA, from August 2007.

That would be at about the right time before build 61 then.
> I'll just have to wait.  Too much work has gone into setting the  
> server up at this point  and hopefully the new Solaris release is  
> coming real soon.

You could do a live upgrade [1], you wouldn't lose the server setup if you
didn't like it...


[1] Nice blog about it here: 

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