[geeks] Global Warming causes...

der Mouse mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA
Sun Dec 2 00:31:27 CST 2007

> Actually science is neither good or bad.  The application of the
> knowledge is what is good or bad.


Science qua science, yes, is neither good nor bad (well, mostly[%]).
But "good science" and "bad science" are not nonsensical phrases.  Work
done carefully, with attention to detail, without hidden agendas, with
proper statistical methods, proper reporting, careful consideration of
possible sources of error, good experimental technique, etc - that's
good science.  Start losing those desirable characteristics, on the
other hand, and you're on the road to bad science.

[%] "Mostly" because I believe there is are some extreme cases, where
    science done according to what I sketched above as "good science"
    is nevertheless bad in a moral sense; an example would be the use
    of humans as experimental subjects without consideration of their
    rights as human beings.

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