[geeks] NEEDED: terminal for my Suns...

Mike Murphy mrm at mole.org
Wed Apr 25 11:48:50 CDT 2007

I use a cisco 2509 (8 async ports) as console for 4 T105's (2 w/ FreeBSD 6.1,
1 Solaris 8, 1 Solaris 10) and as console and LOM for a T1405 (4 processor and
a bunch of 73G SCSI drives also FreeBSD 6.1). Works for me. A free (MIX)
x-server on an XP laptop, xterm from each of the Suns or ssh as
required/desired. Cisco 2509's don't go for much on eBay, even with shipping.
The Netras are pretty reliable (understatement) and the 4 processor T1405 is
fun. Lots of power cords, though. The other two serial ports on the 2509 get
used for console on a 2924 and a 5509. Lots of those little flat sky-blue
cables, too.

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