[geeks] fwd: The Seven Phases of Owning an iPod: UI

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 00:00:57 CST 2006

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> So, my WAN link is a modem connection via PPP to my ISP. The SS5 is a
> mail, news, DNS, gateway host for my private LAN. It's routing tables
> send that traffic to my ISP's servers.
> The SS5 routes all other traffic back through my PC, so all the "fast"
> stuff goes out over a shared broadband WAN connection.
> Obviously this is not desirable. The desktop shouldn't be providing
> any kind of service like that. It gets rebooted, experimented on, and
> wireless cards suck anyway.
> Since I don't have a dedicated gateway machine, I rather have a black
> box do the networking job than to continue using the NetBSD machine.
> The SS5 is due to be replaced anyway, and gaining more freedom in server
> configuration would be a bonus.
> Plus, I get to learn at a least a little about routers. I have not used
> them extensively in years now, and even a little bit of practice would
> be helpful.
> This is in competition with other projects like a backup server, and a
> replacement for my desktop, so I can't spend much money on it.
> Is that clear, or did I just stir up the mud?

I believe that everything in that network setup can be done with a 
single cheap low-end Cisco box.  There's nothing too complicated in there.

Peace...  Sridhar

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