[geeks] I just saw...

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Sun Nov 12 19:09:21 CST 2006

Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> From: "Geoffrey S. Mendelson" <gsm at mendelson.com>
>> Slavery was allowed in Maryland until after the war. Lincoln was a 
>> proponent of a "forgive and forget" type of policy. If he had lived, 
>> things would have been very different in the post war south.
> So J. W. Booth made it worse for his beloved South by shooting President Lincoln?
> Lionel

Can't know for sure but .. probably.

Lincoln's policy of "malice toward none; with charity for all" wasn't
popular with the Radicals; they'd won a war and were by-God going to act
like it.

Reconstruction is not the prettiest episode in this nation's history.

Brian Dunbar
System Administrator
Liftport - The Space Elevator Company

brian.dunbar at liftport.com
aim: bdunbar1967

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