[geeks] Java as a first language

Michael Parson mparson at bl.org
Sat Nov 11 07:59:49 CST 2006

On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 01:35:41AM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
>> Skip Perl.  It is a nightmare. Perl code is write once, read never
>> code.
> It can be, yes, but it certainly doesn't have to be.  I've made
> semantic changes to perl code without even learning perl (well, no more
> than I learned by reading over the code, at elast), so it's obviously
> not a *totally* WORN language.
> But then, code in any language can be opaque if the coder makes it so.

I agree completely, it's not the language's fault that you can write
totally obfuscated programs in it.  Heck, they even have *contests* to
see who can write the best obfuscated code in perl and C.  My favorite
was one a few years ago that would execute in perl and Postscript.

Michael Parson
mparson at bl.org

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