[geeks] Suprise - ext. USB HD "Just Worked" under Solaris  10

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Sun Nov 5 13:14:57 CST 2006

>From: James Fogg <James at jdfogg.com>
>Date: 2006/11/05 Sun AM 07:31:25 CST
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Suprise - ext. USB HD "Just Worked" under Solaris  10

>> I was suprised that an external USB HD "just worked" on my
>> Sun Blade 1000 (future) desktop. On a whim I just plugged an
>> 80 Gig USB 2.0 Hard Drive in to my system that was running
>> Solaris 10 06/06, and without even a pop-up dialog mounted
>> the drive as /dev/rmdisk (IIRC)...
>What filesystem was on the USB attached disk?
>Was it FAT/Windows or something more familiar to Unix?

It was (and still is) a filesystem usable by WinXP - the drive came formatted, and has some "single-touch backup" software included, I've never had occasion to reformat it, so I assume (but am not sure) it was FAT.


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