[geeks] bye bye Cisco...

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun May 28 21:28:29 CDT 2006

On Sun, 28 May 2006, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

>> http://ebay.celestrion.net/auction/9732217629
>> So why are you comparing a box worth ~9$ to a box worth ~50$?  Did I
>> miss some detail?  Sure, it cost alot when it was new, but it EOS'd
>> in '98!
> That chassis has no modules and thus no interfaces.  Add an NP-2E and
> the price will be more.

Indeed, over 100% more!


But, you're right.  Cisco's really going to feel the pinch of having
their 12-year-old kit replaced with 4-year-old PCs.  Folks had better
start selling their stock now!

Jonathan Patschke   )  "The telephone is an antiquity...it is an
Elgin, TX          (   outmoded device which constantly disrupts
USA                 )  work."        --Ralf Huetter of Kraftwerk

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