[geeks] 720 Megapixel photo

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Tue Jul 18 16:35:19 CDT 2006

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: der Mouse <mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
> > It's also interesting how many people believe we can respond to
> > sensory input at levels below what we can actually detect.
> And if you s/actually detect/consciously detect in isolation/, it's
> true.  (Consider all the tachistoscope experiments.)  I suspect that's
> what most of the people making such claims actually mean.
> > My original point was that a picture with higher resolution than the
> > eye is not worth the extra pixels.
> Well, yes, FSVO "resolution".  But the effective resolution of the eye
> is significantly better than what the density of receptors in the
> retina and the optical scaling factors appear to imply; the human
> visual system works with saccades to reconstruct a perception - at
> least for still pictures - that's significantly better than that.  (The
> factor I remember is about a factor of 10 better, but that memory is
> rather fuzzy.)

Well, the number I quoted in one response was actually the eye-brain system
IIRC.  Let's face it, there is one hell of a processor behind the sensor not
to mention the interaction between the cells in the retina.  That could 
explain those that have 20-15 rather than the more "normal" 20-20 (great 
for cheating on tests, ha,ha!).  


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