[geeks] ZFS in OSX

Jon Gilbert jjj at io.com
Thu Dec 21 01:42:17 CST 2006

On Dec 20, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Bryan Fullerton wrote:

> Surely by now everyone knows that it's all about the tubes.

So then, ewikiblogotube. Conveniently, privileging tubes over spheres  
helps to incorporate the online video phenomenon into the sense of  
meaning of the term.

(Many tubes of) toothpaste for your mind, soul, and sexual organs:  
The Internet. Now with optional Corporate Filtration (TM).* Do do  
this at home.

Indeed, The Internet will leave your mind, soul, and sexual organs  
sparkling with satisfaction. The Internet's convenient ewikiblogotube  
is really a series of tubes providing a swirl of gel (fluoride TCP)  
with paste (flavored emulsifying RGB). Brush your mind with a  
refreshing application of The Internet by means of a varied data- 
stream converted into sensory impulses by the common computube: a  
*top PC.

Consumousers consume and use billions of terrabytes of data through  
their sensory organs on a daily basis. The Internet now only  
currently delivers a mere fraction of their daily sensory intake:  
about the equivalent to the amount of sensory intake experienced  
during the brushing of one's teeth, relative to the experience of a  
full day. This may be a hyperbolic analogy, but the point is...

ZFS will allow the Internet to provide 50% or more of your daily  
sensory input. Once nanorez becomes the standard (nanoscopic display  
resolution) -- which is accomplished by DLP with nanoscopic mirrors  
inside an ultralightweight helmset -- and once neural implants gain  
the ability to deliver completely realistic sensory impulses to the  
reptilian brain... then ZFS will be there for you with all your files  
dating back to whenever (and everyone else's too, I imagine).

* - Soon to be required.
*top = [laptop|desktop|palm]; // *top == ____top
> Also, I'm disappointed that nobody has put a 2.0 in any of these  
> names.

ewikiblogotube 2.0. Although 2.0 is kind of bald to me.

Jon Gilbert
PGP fingerprint: 7FA9 B168 73CA A698 DD9E  2DF2 EE1A 3E73 3119 741F

PS -- any chance of getting OSX to run on a PS3.. wouldn't that be  
the ultimate.. with 1080p 60" :p....

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