[geeks] Wii elbow

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Dec 11 11:54:29 CST 2006


In this article they briefly mention complaints from Nintendo Wii
users about injuries caused by the system. They are talking about the
controllers because they use your physical body movements to control the
games (though I believe this is optional).

Nintendo's response was that the people need to excersize more.

I've read other articles about this, and I have to admit it is  pretty

For one thing, people complaining because they swung and hit other
objects in the room and even broke some of their furniture are simply
uncoordinated. I can just see someone suing Nintendo because they got
overly zealous playing Zelda, and wiped out a family heirloom.

But the other part of this is really sad: the minimal exersize required
by using the Wii controller is too much for many of the users.  That's
just really sad.

I bet it is the first real exersize most of the people have gotten in

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["I want this Perl software checked for
viruses.  Use Norton Antivirus." -- Charlie Kirkpatrick]

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