[geeks] Passwords, etc

John Francini francini at mac.com
Mon Dec 11 10:53:28 CST 2006

I'm sorry -- that's tantamount to tattooing a number or a barcode on  
you.  Worse, actually, since it can be read at a distance.

If it could be used by an office it could also be used by a  
government to collect information on your whereabouts at all times.

Convenience is no reason to give up privacy.


On 11 Dec 2006, at 11:50, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Am I the only person who wouldn't mind some sort of subcutaneous
> implant so that I wouldnt have to carry around my ID badge/swipe
> card at the office?
> I wouldn't mind hand-scanning, eye-scanning, etc.
> They've already got records of when I go in and out of the non-public
> areas of the building...
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Bradford
> Houston, Texas
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