[geeks] Mandatory password changes

Robert Brooke Gravitt gravitt at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 16:59:58 CST 2006

On Dec 10, 2006, at 2:29 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Current policy is password changes every 90 days, and you can't use a
> password that has the same characters in the same positions as your  
> old
> password, nor can you re-use any of the last six passwords you've had.

We have a similar requirement for our non-prod LDAP logins- of  
course, i just change my password 7 times, the 7th being back to the  
original one :)

Our prod servers are managed by IBM in raleigh, and we can't re-use a  
password for 120 days. What sucks is I've got about 85 LPARs on  
different p570s that I have accounts on, and keeping track of  
passwords is a bitch.


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