[geeks] Why I hate Verizon Online

Bryan Fullerton fehwalker at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 09:11:21 CST 2006

On 12/5/06, Jonathan Groll <lists at groll.co.za> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 12:32:01AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > I just can't beat $17.95/month for 3/512 DSL.  I've had maybe two outages
> > in the past six to nine months that I can remember, and none of them
> > lasting more than thirty minutes
> I always get sickened when I read how cheap US bandwith is.

I've had Bell Canada DSL since 1998 -- it's $45/month CAD (~$40 USD)
for 3/768 max, effectively 1.6/512 sustained before they start doing
funky traffic shaping and dropping the connection (based on my
extended bittorrent testing ;).

I could go with a DSL reseller -- Bell still provides the underlying
infrastructure, but passes off the PPPoE session -- and shave a third
or so off that, but I'm lazy and can't be bothered. And generally the
Bell service has been quite good. <knock on wood>

The cable plans here are the same price for about twice bit more
bandwidth, with the usual peak hour congestion issues on
oversubscribed cable. Though they're not PPPoE.


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