[geeks] Now for something completely geek

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Aug 23 22:50:49 CDT 2006

Tue, 22 Aug 2006 @ 07:50 +0300, sammy ominsky said:

> I get these on my phone all the time, from my service provider.  I  
> delete and go on with my life.

I avoid ever having to waste my time, and go on with life.

How would you "get on with life" if this happened all the time?

When people put up with this kind of crap, the rest of us get stuck with
it too.

It would be one thing if it were always by choice, but then we're back
to my belief that we should have complete control over our technology.

> > One I read about was the one where you phone would ring every time  
> > a GPS triggered ad fired.  Yes, some idiot in marketing actually  
> > thought this
> > was a good idea.
> Does that include charging you for airtime for the call?  THAT would  
> almost be criminal, I think.  Other than that, from a marketing  
> perspective it almost makes sense.

I don't care if the air time is free or not, *MY* time isn't free, and
neither is my sanity and privacy.

I also don't like a world where I'm bombarded with ads all the time.  It
already sucks, I don't want it to get worse.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Castles are sacked in war, Chieftains are
scattered far, Truth is a fixed star, Eileen aroon!" -- Gerald Griffin]

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