[geeks] Princeton Univ. Surplus haul today...

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Aug 23 11:44:54 CDT 2006

On 23/08/2006, at 19:38, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

>> Oh, so I should have left the 20 Gig HD installed, just make it, say,
> the slave drive, then choose to migrate the apps? As I am  
> installing the
> O/S as I write this, can I choose to migrate apps after I install the
> O/S?
> Clone first, install second. You will be happier.

Personally, I'm always happier with a new install and migration, but  
i suppose it's a matter of choice.  Considering this was a surplus  
machine and system condition is mostly unknown, I'd definitely  
install first then migrate, but that's me.

Migration at the end of the install grabs whole users.  After the OS  
install is done, there's Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant  
that will grab selected stuff and all the associated support bits  


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