[geeks] Now for something completely geek

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Aug 23 09:32:45 CDT 2006

Wed, 23 Aug 2006 @ 07:38 +0100, Mike Meredith said:

> Only in the sense that they expect to be milked 24 hours (or 12 ?) after
> the last time. I've tried questioning cows about their perception of
> time, and all they come back with is "Moo?", so I guess they don't care
> if it's 5am, 4am, or @1.34 (whatever that translates to).

Holy missed point Batman...

> I guess intelligent farmers who realise that changing the wallclock time
> causes them *fewer* problems than almost anybody else get some amusement
> from the antics of their less perceptive fellows who do the whinging.

No, the farmers, all of them, hate it.  They have to get up earlier or
later to match the world's schedule, which means they have to change the
(real) time they milk the cows.

It *does* upset the livestock.

DST was a stupid idea that is getting dumber as time goes on.

> So go into work an hour earlier, go home an hour earlier, go to sleep an
> hour earlier. 

Or better yet, just get rid of DST and not worry about it.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["We have nothing to prove" -- Alan Dawkins]

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