[geeks] Dos and similar games

William Kirkland bill.kirkland at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 09:18:35 CDT 2006

On Aug 17, 2006, at 20:42, geeks-request at sunhelp.org wrote:
> Thu, 17 Aug 2006 @ 08:08 -0700, William Kirkland said:
>>> Nick B. wrote:
>>>> So let qualified CCW holders carry on flights.
>> That would be like running a MTA on Windows!
>> I believe in ensuring we (the U.S. population) being armed (to
>> protect our rights from our own government), but there are some areas
>> where the population should not have weapons.
> But what if I have a flight between to areas where I should have one?
> Now they don't even want to let you carry it if you split the gun in
> parts between carry on and baggage.

I agree that this is a problem, which must be resolved.

>> Guards in prisons do not carry guns, because they could become
>> overpowered and loose control of it.
> What they do now is have a separate armed section that is cut off from
> the other areas.  Like a covered armored walkway above the cafeteria,
> etc.

So, then are you advocating the isolation of the CCW from the  

I would suggest it would be simpler to remove the access from the  
cockpit to the cabin. This would require a redesign of aircraft, to  
add an extra external door for the pilots, isolated toilets and an  
extra seat for the flight attendant, specifically there for their  
needs. (keep your hands to yourself, not those needs -- coffee, tee,  
food and drink, whatever ...)

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