[geeks] Dos and similar games

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Sun Aug 13 10:17:25 CDT 2006

I know, old post, I just had to put in my $0.02. I've been away.

On Aug 3, 2006, at 04:23, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> Let's say you went into a store that was selling a handheld gaming  
> unit that
> played "retro" games, and played some games on it.
> The first version would play DOS games, Arcade games, native Linux
> games. Later versions would include (many) Windows games.
> Which games would make you want to walk out with it?

This is going to be a hard one, but I love games with fascinating  
storylines. For me, that's games like Metroid and Starcraft (not  
saying that Starcraft would be any fun on a handheld device, just  
saying that the storyline got me entranced).

If you found a way to make FPS games not *completely*suck* when using  
a controller (fuck you, Halo), then I'd want one TODAY. :). In a  
similar vein, games like Descent are frigging cool multiplayer.

As far as game types go: I love racing games that give you weapons,  
like Mario Kart and Rock 'n' Roll Racing (for the SNES, by Silicon  
Synapse which later went on to become Blizzard Entertainment). Also,  
games that are like Mario Kart's Battle Mode, and games that were  
like Star Fox 64, are easier to learn, and rather like FPS games.  
Unfortunately, I don't know of any Windows/Linux games like them...

OH. ESCAPE VELOCITY. The only one that was for Windows was the most  
recent one, EV: Nova; the other two were for Mac OS 68K. It's in that  
space trader genre like... oh, I never played any of the other ones.  
Ambrosiasw.com. Man, if it had this game, I would be in. love.

I just read that it is supposed to have USB ports so that you can put  
stuff on there from your PC BRILLIANT!

> Which games would turn you on, but not enough to buy it right away?

I really enjoy side scrolling action games in general. Pretty much  
the only thing that I looked at that the PSP had was MegaMan X (now  
there's probably more cool stuff for it, I haven't checked in a while).

If it has good multiplayer, and is cheap enough, I love it, because  
then I can play it with my 2 brothers.

If it can be made to run Linux, then I'm interested. Especially if it  
has 802.11 wireless and can be used as a war[driving|walking|skating]  

Someone mentioned worms. YES.

> Which games would turn you off?

I hate those stupid puzzle games like Mario Party and all the ones  
that came out for the Nintendo DS.

I am terrible at RPGs. I am tired of losing at them. I won't buy  
them. :)

  - Micah

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