[geeks] Good free games?

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Sun Aug 13 10:16:02 CDT 2006

On Aug 2, 2006, at 09:18, Michael Dombrowski wrote:

> I'm faced with the prospect of a 12hour layover
> tomorrow night and need some new games for my laptop -
> Civ 1 has finally begun to wear out on me. So, any
> recommendations for games that:
> Don't need any kind of graphics (Intel integrated
> only)
> Are free/abandonware
> Run on Windows
> Don't require internet
> I've seen several lists of good free games for various
> categories, but can't seem to find any of them now.
> I'd really like a good Diablo II-esque RPG but can't
> seem to find any...

I know this is way late, but I was out of the country and I wanted to  
mention a couple of things for the benefit of future readers:

liberatedgames.org - list and mirror of formerly commercial games  
which have been released for free
Spacehack - not free, but is "diablo-esque". It looks like they  
pretty much ripped it right off... which is great with me :)
freeciv - well, you're getting tired of Civ1, but this is a pretty  
awesome game.
Abuse - open source'd since the company failed a looong time ago
Escape Velocity: Nova. oooh do I love this game. Space trader /  
arcade space fighter game. The best part is that you can run the  
first two EV games as plugins inside Nova, which lets you play  both  
earlier games on Windows, even though they were released Mac only.

Finally, if I had been around when you first posted this, I would  
have been happy to let you electronically borrow some of my games. 8-)

  - Micah

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