[geeks] HP Journada 720 - $75 (Refurbished, after rebate)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 10 12:35:09 CDT 2006

>From: velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com>
>Date: 2006/08/10 Thu PM 12:17:17 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] HP Journada 720 - $75 (Refurbished, after rebate)

Well, I'm thinking more about a Sidekick ][ replacement, mine is going fine now, but my contract is about to end (few months/end of year), and I'm just thinking about what I do with my sidekick and what I'd want to do...

I like the larger screen (640x240), 3/4 size keyboard, and the ability to do certain things (like read PDFs, write short documents, and hook up to wired/wireless Ethernet to sync-up email. In the end, there are enough tools to enable connections between Pocket PCs and Linux hosts that actually *running* Linux may not be as interesting. WiFi sniffer and mobile email are the two most likely uses - I have a Dell Pocket PC that I get motivated to use every once in a while, but the screen size and lack of keyboard are frustrating at times (though bluetooth & WiFi are integrated into the unit) - I will most likely start to treat the Dell Pocket PC as a WiFi (wireless) Skype phone with a Bluetooth headset ;^)



>I replaced the other half's Palm that went belly up and my own Treo
>600 with two HP iPaq 2215's.  I checked into the possibility of Linux,
>but to be honest, I haven't been tempted.  Other than getting a bad
>battery in one initially, they have been very well behaved.  And with
>a native Nethack binary, I don't have much else to ask for--and it
>performs fine.


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