[geeks] HP Journada 720 - $75 (Refurbished, after rebate)

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 09:13:15 CDT 2006

Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Buy.com has about 700 HP Journada 720s available for $175 less $100 rebate, and I'm thinking about getting one...
> First, the link:
> http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=70015949&adid=17654&dcaid=17654
> If you google, say, Journada 720 linux" you'll see it is/was able to run Linux, and it appears that NetBSD is/was an option as well (at least as of 3.0 of NetBSD - http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/hpcarm/ ).
> Anyone have any exp. with these devices? At $75, this enters the realm of "impulse buy" and with the ability for both PocketPC and NetBSD/Linux support for wired/wireless (WiFi) connectivity this could almost be useful...

How does the speed of StrongARM compare to the speed of MIPS, IPC-wise?

I used to have a NEC MobilePro 790 that I really liked and I was 
wondering how the speed of the 206MHz StrongARM in the Jornada compares 
with the 168MHz VR4121 in the MobilePro?

I am aware that the MobilePro had a larger screen.

Peace...  Sridhar

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