[geeks] concerning MS Windows Vista screen shots now available...

David L Kindred (Dave) d.kindred at telesciences.com
Fri Jul 29 09:19:26 CDT 2005

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> writes:

    Bill> On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 07:24:45PM -0400, Patrick Giagnocavo
    Bill> 717-201-3366 wrote:
    >> Wow, what a crappy interface...

    Bill> Anything's better than the default XP "Playskool My First
    Bill> Windowing Operating System" look.  I switch all my windows
    Bill> boxes to the "Windows Classic" scheme, classic start menu,
    Bill> small icons in start menu, no grouping in taskbar, etc.

It's funny (or maybe sad), but I've come to like the XP interface.  I
find that if I don't pretty much run the MS apps the way the users here
are I can't support them well, so I left XP mostly alone.  Now that I've
been using it a while, I find I do like it better than it's

What I don't like, and turn off right away, is the adaptive menu (or
whatever the f*** they call it) stuff in Office 2003.  It sounds like
the new Vista interface is taking that idea to the extreme.  I want the
same menu items to be in the same place every time.  I want the windows
to stay where I put them.  And so on.

On a related note, an earlier post bitched about MS changing things just
to change them, I'm afraid Sun and HP do the same thing every time a new
version of SunOS/Solaris and HP-UX come out, so that one isn't just a
Microsoft issue.

David L. Kindred
Unix Systems & Network Administrator
Telesciences, Inc.

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