[geeks] [rescue] Video card request

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 12:48:53 CST 2005

On 12/2/05, Steve Haavik <shaavik at soc.lib.md.us> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> >    - limited ammo.  Generous, but not the ridiculous amounts I
> >      see being expended at most paintball matches.  This would also
> >      lower the costs
> Which is why you won't see that at your average field.
> >From what I remember of paintball (10 or 12 years ago), your average field
> owner wanted short matches where people used LOTS of paint (and air)
> simply so they could sell them more for the next match.

Another thing folks who prefer this type of play might look
for is "stock" games.  Generally, they will be limited ammo,
and also pump only (e.g. no semi's).  Some allow constant
air, some are 12g CO^2 carts only. [1]

We also used to play "hopper ball" when we had private
games, as a way to challenge ourselves, since none of
us had stock gear.

As a side note, you will find very, very few paintball fields
(at least if they are insured and reputable) allow full auto.
There has been a very strong move in the last year with
the tournament leagues on limiting ROF to 15 bps,
period.  This really plays havoc with the pb kids that have
been sitting with their pb guns since they were 10, and
can "walk" the trigger at 20+ bps. :-D  Not that I'll com-


[1] Favorite new "milsim" pb gear--at least from looking
 at it, haven't laid hands on it yet:

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