[geeks] Wiki recommendations? [fork of head explodey thread]

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Thu Apr 7 10:11:46 CDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 10:59:51AM -0400, velociraptor wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2005 9:27 PM, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
> >
> > Some of our guys are hot and heavy on Sharepoint.  Thank goodness we
> > have a nice wiki subculture.
> What wiki software?  Anyone else have any Wiki preferences (or "avoid
> like the plague" warnings?  It's not going to be big (we only have about
> 50 servers), but needs to run on Solaris.

Can't beat the original.  Unless you want to modify it heavily and are
allergic to perl.  

I'm also using a wiki simply called wiki-scsh at work.  I would be most
likely to use that in the future on any platform that scsh runs on.

Joshua D. Boyd
jdboyd at jdboyd.net

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