Java, was Re: [geeks] my head just went explodey

Jeff Cole jeff at
Tue Apr 5 10:36:18 CDT 2005

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> Most Java I see is about the same quality level as most Visual Basic
> that I see, and I think some of the reasons are largely the same.

Here at $ork, most of our web applications are java based, whether it be 
running on Websphere or Weblogic. A former co-worker took the time to 
actually look at some of the code used, and apparently a lot of it is 
cribbed directly from online java tutorials and such, or done in such a 
way that it shows the programmer didn't know how to use a more efficent 
method of doing something.

I'm just about burned out doing application support. Time to get back 
into actual SA work. It will be a welcome change.

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