[geeks] Lazy co-workers....

Timothy Bryce turbo.bryce at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 13:32:43 CDT 2004

How many people here have or have had extremely lazy co-workers?  What
is it about them that really bugs you?  I don't mean the run of the
mill "doesn't do much" lazy co-worker but the, "doesn't do anything
and get's away with it co-worker".  I've got a guy here that truly
amazes me.  He should write a book.

When asked a question the response is always, "Umm.... Well... I
think....<insert magic 8 ball response here>"

If you ask him to do something it's always, "Umm... Well... I'm kind
of busy..."

If he's helping someone on the phone with a problem that he doesn't
know how to fix he'll tell them to turn their machine off for 15-20
minutes and if it still doesn't work to call back - Then he takes a 30
min break so someone else gets the call.

I could go on and on... but I'd like to hear from some of you guys...


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