[geeks] Re: [rescue] It's official, the U.S. is screwed for

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at mail.zill.net
Mon Nov 8 21:30:25 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 08:28:18PM -0500, Dave Fischer wrote:
> Years ago I donated $20 to help fund the Church of Euthanasia's
> 1-800 Suicide Assistance Hotline. The phone company wimped 
> out at the last moment and didn't let them do it.

wouldn't there have been a lot of prank phone calls?

Operator: "Hello, 1-800-GET-DEAD, how can I help you?"

Prankster: "Yes, I'd like to kill myself, but all I have on hand are
some violin strings..."

Op:  Oh, that's an easy one, it is...

P: So I just loop around the light fixture, then around the door
frame, then ...

Op:  Yes, exactly, you've got it!  

P: OK, here I go...  <plays mournful violin music on stereo for ten
seconds, then stops>

P:  Oh dear, I am afraid I haven't got it quite right...

Op: You're not really serious are you?  You realize someone else could
be trying to reach us for assistance?

P: <snickers> Ooh, they are just dying to reach you are they? <tells
other stupid obvious jokes>

Op:  <click>


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