[geeks] Re: [rescue] It's official, the U.S. is screwed for 4 more years

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Mon Nov 8 12:01:14 CST 2004

> > > Suicide is illegal too... If owning guns becomes illegal, only criminals 
> will 
> > > have guns ;^) 
> > 
> > If you think about it, committing suicide and failing is the only time they 
> > can bring you to trial.... 
> If attempted suicide is going to be illegal, then it should carry the 
> death penalty. 

Oh, sure.  Give them what they want.  How about the new phemonena,
suicide by police.  Get the police to chase you for some infraction, pull
out a gun and have the police kill you.  There have some interesting ones
in the Darwin Awards too.

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