[geeks] a minor victory

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Nov 5 20:31:25 CST 2004

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 04:36:30PM -0600, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> >I've been at home with pneumonia since Tuesday,
> UGH!  Get better, man!  That stuff's not fun to mess around with.

Yeah they've got me on some serious antibiotics.  I'm improved to just
a minor hacking cough, and am no-longer light-headed.  

> Well, happy birthday, then!  I'd offer to take you out for 'Q, but I'm
> jobhunting and hacking in fl.us right now.

Good luck!  Amy and I are still both sick, so we're staying away from the
rest of the human race for at least the weekend still.

> Just don't over do it.  It's really easy to relapse into pneumonia and I
> lost an aunt to it just two weeks ago.

Yeah - I'm taking everything real slow, and sleeping at least 12 hours a
day.  I'd been scheduled to go home to Oklahoma for a vacation from the
4th to the 12th, but even my mom said "STAY HOME AND REST" after hearing
me on the phone.


bill bradford
austin texas

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