[geeks] Re: It's official, the U.S. is screwed for 4 more years

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at mail.zill.net
Wed Nov 3 11:07:59 CST 2004

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 10:40:35AM -0600, Wes Will wrote:
> Anybody know anything about the need for senior tech people in Australia or
> New Zealand or somewhere?  And for teachers, my wife will want to stay in
> teaching....
> As much as I once loved my country, I now want out of Stupidland.

Hmm, the same people that think Bush is going to screw over the
country supported the events that are responsible for the current
situations in :

Cuba (Che is still idolized, though I don't recall the part where he
shoots a 12-year-old kid in the face being mentioned)

Nicaragua (Kerry supported the Sandinistas and met with Ortega while

South Africa (regressing to tribalism)

Zimbabwe (tribalism with a hint of Maoism)

Course, all THOSE places are in the toilet... 

For a delightful combination of anti-Republican agitprop while
hypocritically benefiting from proximity to the USA, try Canada.


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