[geeks] My wife has been Bad. Very bad.

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Mar 15 18:42:29 CST 2004

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 07:20:41PM -0500, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> > http://www.mrbill.net/guitar/lespaulstudio/
> I must not be following something here.  She hid your guitar that just
> arrived in the closet?  She bought you a guitar you had already ordered?
> What? 

No.  I bought a made-in-Korea Epiphone Les Paul Special II a couple of 
weeks ago:


She surprised me with a real, made-in-USA, Gibson Les Paul Studio.

Only about an $800 difference in price. 8-)

She may be a loud, demanding, picky bitch, but hey, she gives great gifts. 8-)

Apparently she's been planning this since I settled for the OLP MM1 back in
November.  Tricky creatures, these women... 8-)


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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