[geeks] Re: [rescue] MOVE TO GEEKS: re: absinthe available for rescue'ers ....

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Mar 12 11:22:32 CST 2004

On Mar 11, 2004, at 3:47 PM, Dan Duncan wrote:
> Sounds wonderful!  If you like hot snacks, have you tried the
> Japanese fried peas basted in wasabi?  They'll clear your
> sinuses most of the time.  Being wasabi, the heat ranges from
> fun to blistering.
Ahh but it's such a different heat.  It's nose clearing but not really 
stingy on the tongue or throat.

Trader Joe's makes Wasabi Peanuts ... which are even better because 
they have a powder coated crunchy shell made with wasabi powder.


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