[geeks] Airport Express

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Fri Jul 16 10:04:00 CDT 2004

On Jul 16, 2004, at 10:58, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Glad to see you are up and about!

Thanks! Yeah, I made yesterday's first-draft deadline, got the comments 
back from the editors around 3:30 pm, got the second draft in about an 
hour ago, and final submission is COB today.

> FYI - I picked up an interesting book "Wi-Fi Toys" - it has lots of 
> interesting background info on Wi-Fi technology (cable loss, radiation 
> pattern, etc.), as well as nice, straight-forward war driving, etc. 
> instructions... You might want to flip through it for ideas...

Neat, I'll have to look for it. I took classes last summer on wi-fi 
architecture, and know plenty about how to do it right, but it's hard 
to apply those lessons at home on your own dime :) I tend to try all 
sorts of things before actually doing what I suggest to a client is 
"the only Right Way".


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