[geeks] Commiserate with me ... this sucks.

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Fri Jul 2 10:25:50 CDT 2004

On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, mrl wrote:

> Is this also true of their UltraStar SCSI drives? I've always wondered.

IBM UltraStars are terrific hardware.  They're faster than greased
anything and are generally really reliable.  They, however, do NOT take
lightly to marginal SCSI buses and WILL tell you to piss off if it isn't
up to spec.

Also, to IBM's credit, the DeskStars prior to the 75GXT series were
bulletproof.  I have some that haven't stopped spinning in 3 or 4 years
for more than a total of about 2 weeks and they still Just Work.

However, I'm also on my third replacement 75GXT on the FeeCee and I need
to have it RMAed if the warranty hasn't completely expired.

Jonathan Patschke )"We're Germans and we use Unix.  That's a combination
Elgin, TX        (  of two demographic groups known to have no sense of
USA               ) humour whatsoever." - Hanno Mueller in de.c.o.u.p

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