[geeks] Terminal Services security

Mike Meredith mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk
Wed Feb 11 10:56:55 CST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 19:44:43 -0800, N.Miller wrote:
> Having just applied myself to learning SSH tunnels (yeah,
> I've been lazy and "terminally" oriented) I just have to
> say, SSH tunnels rock.

One of the fun things about them, is that users seem quite happy about
tunnelling once they've gotten over the initial shock of realising that
talking to local ports connects them through to the remote machine.

Because my manager is quite happy about tunnelling, he's quite happy to
sit in on meetings to suppliers and point out that as *he* can do it,
there's no reason why more technical people at the suppliers can't do
it (or we've got reason to suspect their technical competance).

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