[geeks] Terminal Services security

Gary Nichols gary at linuxforce.org
Tue Feb 10 15:57:45 CST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Kevin wrote:

> The company that we use for payroll processing has a Win2K TS box
> inet facing.  That's is unsettling to me and i wanted other's
> opinions.  The TS box is behind an MS ISAS box, but that is
> tantamount to nothing as the port is wide open and it is not
> enforcing any additional security methods other than a name and
> password.
> As you stated, i am now concerned about our data safety once it
> gets to them.

OMG.  These guys need to get hit with the security noodle of clue asap.  I
would think they'd at least firewall off port to only be accessible to
customer's networks.  Yikes.  Run Forrest... Run!

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